New River Community College (十大网赌软件推荐) offers a variety of financial opportunities for students who need financial assistance.
The philosophy of the Financial Aid Office is that no qualified student shall be denied the privilege of attending college because of the lack of finances, if funds are available.
To determine if a student qualifies for aid, the Financial Aid Officer looks at unmet need. Need is defined as the difference between the cost of attending (COA) the college and the student aid index (SAI) as calculated by FAFSA.
The criteria used for selecting student recipients involve both the computed need of the student, and the student’s academic standing. The application priority dates are March 15 for summer, June 1 for fall and November 15 for spring. Applications received by the priority date will receive priority consideration for the upcoming academic year. Those received after the priority date will receive consideration only as funds are available.
A student must be a degree seeking student and not taking classes for transfer only purposes and have demonstrated need, the college tries to meet that need by offering assistance consisting of grant(s), a work-study position, a scholarship, and/or a loan. Awards are prorated and adjusted for enrollment level based on full-time (12 credits), three-quarter time (9-11 credits), half-time (6-8 credits) and less-than-half-time (5 credits or less). Most awards have a minimum enrollment level requirement.
Students attending two schools in the same enrollment period must inform both Financial Aid Offices. Students cannot receive financial aid from two schools in the same term.
Students interested in Federal Work-Study will need to complete a work-study application. Applications will be reviewed and placements will be made prior to each semester. Potential work-study students will receive an email with the name and contact information of their potential supervisor to set up an interview. If hired, the student will need to provide the Financial Aid Office a copy of their driver’s license and Social Security card.
Type of aid available at 十大网赌软件推荐: VCCS financial aid programs .
The G3 Program is a tuition assistance program for any Virginia resident who qualifies for in-state tuition and whose family income falls below an identified threshold. Eligible students may enroll in designated programs leading to jobs in high-demand fields.
Learn More About the G3 ProgramDetailed information about the Financial Aid application process can be found on our "How to Apply for Financial Aid" section of this website.
Application Deadlines:
Application priority dates are March 15 for summer,
June 1 for fall, and November 15 for spring. Applications received by the
priority date will receive primary consideration for the upcoming academic year.
Those received after the priority date will receive consideration only as funds are available. Students must apply annually for
financial aid. If you have questions, please call (540) 674-3615, email, or you may write to the 十大网赌软件推荐 Office of Financial
Aid, 5251 College Drive, Dublin, VA 24084.
Students must re-apply for Financial Aid each year. FAFSA opens October 1 each year.
These awards are based on criteria such as financial need and academic achievement, and are available to persons who are enrolled or intend to enroll in specific programs.
These scholarships are made possible by the generous donations of individuals and organizations who have chosen to provide their support for students through the 十大网赌软件推荐 Educational Foundation's Endowed Scholarship Program.
The Financial Aid Office are located in Rooker Hall, room 263 and 十大网赌软件推荐 NRV Mall site, Christiansburg Location 103.
FSA Student Loan Ombudsman Group
Telephone: 877-557-2575
Fax: 606-396-4821
FSA Ombudsman Group
P.O. Box 1843
Monticello, KY 42633
Financial Aid Assistant
Interim Financial Aid Manager
Financial Aid Assistant
Dean of Student Services, Title IX Coordinator for Students
Financial Aid Assistant